Fandom favorite Amber Benson answers that never-ending question for Hypable – under what circumstances would she consider a return to Buffy?

Amber Benson became a fandom darling for her role of Tara in Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but she has a lot more up her sleeve these days. In addition to acting, she is also a director, producer, novelist and playwright.

Hypable sat down with Benson during San Diego Comic-Con to hear about her upcoming book series, her role on Rachel Caine’s Morganville Vampires web series adaptation, and of course – Buffy.

A return to ‘Buffy’?

There is no doubt that to many fans, Amber Benson will always be Buffy’s Tara Maclay.

Tara quickly became a fan favorite character, but it was the portrayal of the relationship between Tara and Willow (played by Alyson Hannigan) that has been the lasting legacy of Buffy.

Benson is well aware that the frank and open portrayal of the lesbian couple was an inspiration to both future filmmakers, and to many teenagers worldwide.

Hypable: Let’s get the inevitable question out of the way. Obviously returning to ‘Buffy’ as Tara presents certain problems. But if Joss decided to return to the show, would you consider going back?

Amber Benson: Definitely, if it could be done the right way. I know that they have been hinting at her in the comics, and I think that has been really lovely actually.

I just think bringing her back and making her a bad guy was not quite right for me, but I know there’s a way to do it that would be beneficial to the fans. Yeah, definitely. I would love to do anything.

Is there a particular way that you would like to see Tara come back?

I don’t know. I would have to leave that up to Joss. He’s a maestro, he knows what he’s doing. I’ll let him figure all that out, I’ll show up.

From your role in ‘Buffy’, you became a role model for many young people exploring their sexuality. How does it feel to be seen that way?

I’m honoured that I get to help in the battle to bring things to an equal position. We live in 2013, and in a Western society. We need equality for everybody. If one group of people can’t be treated equally, then no one is being treated equally in my mind.

I very much feel like Alyson and I really got to knock on the glass ceiling, and say “Screw you glass ceiling, we are going to knock you down.”

Just in the last 10 years, there has been such a leap forward. And I feel like we were helpful, we weren’t just making television, we were doing social commentary.

‘Buffy’ was really the first. Now we have ‘Glee’, ‘Modern Family’, and ‘Husbands’, but it started with ‘Buffy’.

It opened the door. It brought it into the mainstream and said it’s okay to be who you are. It doesn’t matter who you fall in love with. If you find someone to fall in love with, you are just lucky.

The pressures of being a role model

And you’re very prominent in the sci-fi/fantasy/comic world, you must be a role model to so many young women who want to break into the industry.

I just do stuff that moves me. I feel like that is how this world has to work. You have to do the things that you’re passionate about. Yes, there’s always that balance between art and commerce, and how do I pay my bills. Which is why I do lots of things, I diversify so that I can pay my bills.

If I was just an actor, I would be going around with a hat. So I do a lot of different things to pay my bills, but I do what moves me, and it doesn’t matter that I have a vagina. I’m just me, and anybody else can do what they want.

I grew up in Alabama, I never in a million years thought I was going to come to Los Angeles and be so lucky that I was able to do what I love. So if I can do it, anybody can do it.

I didn’t know anybody. I was just lucky, and I persevered. If you can do that, and put yourself out there, you can achieve anything.

You say it in a way that makes it sound so obvious.

[Laughs] It’s not obvious, and that’s why I keep saying it. You just have to go and do it.

And especially in this community, it is important for women to see that you can succeed in the way that you have.

You have to help other women. It’s changing, and I have so many female friends in the industry now and we are helping each other. It’s changing. I paid my dues for 20-something years as an actor, and I took it and I applied it.

I feel like for me, I am a maker of things. I just want to make stuff. It’s not about being famous, it’s not about making money, it’s about doing things you are passionate about and pleasing yourself.


On page 2, Amber Benson talks about her new book series, balancing multiple projects, and Rachel Caine’s ‘Morganville Vampires’ web series adaptation

‘The Witches of Echo Park’ book series

You have so many projects, it’s hard to know where to start. What is the one that you are most excited about at the moment?

You know, I am really enjoying this new series I am doing for Penguin. The first one is going to be called The Witches of Echo Park.

I’m 36, and growing up I only had dude friends. Then in my 30s, I started making female friends. I met other women who are like me. I really wanted to write a book about women’s relationships with each other, and I thought what better way than a coven.

A coven of witches, and having to deal with each other, and relationships, and having to support each other and having to fight with each other. So that was sort of the basis for writing this series.

How many books are we looking at?

Three right now. Hopefully more, we’ll see.

And what kind of release schedule will they have?

Next year for the first book, and then probably the next year for the next.

‘Morganville Vampires’ web series adaptation

You are set to star in Rachel Caine’s Morganville Vampires web adaptation, is that still going ahead?

Yeah. That got funded, everything is good.

Rachel and I have been on a panel together, we had dinner together, and neither of the times we have been able to talk about any of the web stuff we said we were going to talk about in San Diego.

She is such a wonderful person, I love her. She just has such a good heart, and she wanted to do a web series.

I think they wanted to autonomy, they wanted to do it the way they wanted to do it.

I’m sure she has had other offers before this.

Oh yeah. I was like, whatever you need. I want to be a part of your world. I sound like The Little Mermaid – I want to be a part of your world Rachel!

Do you know when that will start filming?

I think October. We are talking about doing some stuff.

It’s six episodes to start with?

Yeah. I haven’t read any of it yet. She’s been working on it. She’s been doing everything, it’s so cool.

What’s next for Amber Benson?

You have done almost everything. Is there something you haven’t done that you would like to try?

I want to make more movies. I want to direct more. Adam Busch and I directed a film called Drones, and that was such an amazing experience. I’m ready to do more of that, it’s just finding the right scripts.

Would you like to do more co-directing, or on your own?

Both. He and I will continue to work together, we’re a good team. But I haven’t found a script that I get really excited about. I’m on the lookout at the moment for good stuff.

And what about acting, are you doing anything with that at the moment?

I’m doing this film Blood Kiss, with Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves. And there’s the Morganville stuff, those are the only two things on the horizon.

Mostly I really don’t act that much anymore. I act when friends call me, but I’m not out there pursuing it, I have moved on to other things.

Do you find it more rewarding to be on the other side of the camera, and have creative control?

Definitely, I have more control over my life. I always likened acting to being a pawn in someone else’s chess game. Now I’m the chess master. I’m in charge of all of the pieces.

So it’s a power trip, then?

Oh yeah. Total, total power narcissist here.