has bought the right to stream Teen Wolf, which means you won’t be able to catch it anywhere else.

According to Variety, Amazon has come to an agreement with MGM Studios over the rights for Teen Wolf and several other properties. This means that Amazon Prime Instant Video is the only subscription-based service you’ll be able to use in order to watch past episodes of the show.

In other words, Teen Wolf won’t be making its way back to Netflix any time soon.

The Teen Wolf fandom might be a force to be reckoned with now, but in the beginning it was tough for anyone to give the show a chance based solely on its title and premise. Considering the source material — the cult classic Teen Wolf, starring Michael J. Fox — it’s hard to really blame anyone for holding that notion.

However, quality writing and acting, along with a sexy and dark twist on the idea of a teenager in high school becoming a werewolf, has made Teen Wolf one of MTV’s most successful shows. The fact that the show had been streaming on Netflix also allowed it to quietly gain followers and become the hit it is today.

Three seasons in and the fourth on the way, Teen Wolf is doing a great job for itself. We have to wonder, however, if its move to Amazon will restrict it from drawing in more viewers or if it will open up the show to a whole new audience.

Teen Wolf isn’t the only property that Amazon has snatched exclusive rights to. The Usual Suspects, Raging Bull, and Thelma and Louise are now available to members. Later this year Amazon will also have The Terminator, The Silence of the Lambs, Moonstruck, and A Fish Called Wanda available.

Past episodes of Teen Wolf will be available on Amazon Prime Instant Video beginning Tuesday.

Are you upset ‘Teen Wolf’ won’t be returning to Netflix?