Devastating endings blended with bittersweet beginnings on the insane two-hour Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 2 finale, “S.O.S.”

‘S.O.S’: Part 1

Opening maneuvers

Chaos breaks out in Afterlife as Jaiying’s plan kicks into effect. She blames the violence on Gonzales and seals the deal on the war by sending an Inhuman to fire on the compound in a quinjet.

Devastated by the perceived betrayal, Skye attacks May. She gets the best of her S.O., but only by using her powers.

The confused agents speed back to the Playground and Weaver returns to the Iliad. Eventually, Team Coulson realizes that they have been well and truly played by Jaiying the Warmonger, and Kara the Bobbi-napper.

Hunter and May leave to find Mockingbird, with murder on their minds.

For they have sinned

Bobbi has been locked in shackles by Ward and Kara. The two psychopaths begin their elaborate plan to torture her until she confesses to betraying Kara to Hydra. Suffice to say, it involves anesthesia, a terrible manicure, and a tidal wave of pain.

According to Ward, this act of complete, unmitigated evil will help Kara heal. You know, like Ward has “healed.”

“Good luck with that,” says Bobbi. She waits for the pain to kick in, not a cell in her body interested in “admitting her sins.”

Bobbi does, however, tell Kara the truth about what happened. In order to preserve her cover at Hydra, she gave up the location of one safehouse — which may have been empty. This choice saved dozens of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and Bobbi stands by her difficult decision.

As the pain kicks in, Bobbi tries to impress upon Kara that she is caught in Ward’s cycle of violence and revenge. (One victim of which was Ward’s dog, so yeah, he shot the damn dog.) But Kara doesn’t care; she’s happy to be in love with that evil, self-pitying cretin.

“No matter what he does,” Kara says, “I will always stand with Ward.”

Well. That sounds familiar.

The angel

Skye tries to get a handle on the increasingly hostile scenario at Afterlife. A visit with Raina results mostly in further tension, though she does reveal that she and Skye will never speak again, and that Jaiying is misleading the Inhumans.

“It’s you who are destined to lead,” Raina says. “Even in the darkness, you’ll see the truth.”

Frustrated, Skye soon rejoins Jaiying, narrowly missing the revelation that her mommy is an evil, life-leaching succubus. Jaiying, who feels much better, says they have to stop hiding from S.H.I.E.L.D. and fight. She gives Skye the amulet from Gonzales.

“Bring this back to me if you decide to join our fight,” she says.

Jaiying’s question is answered when she meets with Raina. Having come into her identity as an “angel,” Raina decides not to play stupid. “I’m here to show the Inhumans exactly what you are,” she tells Jaiying. “Even in the darkness, they will see the truth.”

“No, they won’t,” says Jaiying, and stabs Raina to death.

…as Skye watches, the amulet of her loyalty falling from her hand.

But even with the truth revealed, Jaiying is not keen on relinquishing control. “If we are to survive, S.H.I.E.L.D. must be destroyed,” she insists, and she wants Skye — “Daisy” — to lead and protect the Inhumans after her.

Skye is like, “Um, absolutely freaking not!” so Jaiying has Skye knocked unconscious, and taken to the Iliad.

The monster

At the Playground, Simmons reports to Coulson that Cal’s vials contained an insane attempt at a super-strength formula; she is shocked he’s still alive.

The effect is still rather pronounced, as Cal is going to pieces in Vault D. He rebuffs Coulson’s attentions and giddily confesses that he is there to kill S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Coulson tries to tell Cal he is being manipulated by Jaiying, upsetting the doctor to the point that his heart stops.

Simmons saves him with a shot of adrenaline, which has the effect of reviving not only Cal, but the grotesque Mr. Hyde. Though Cal makes mincemeat of the laboratory, Coulson is reluctant to harm Skye’s father because Coulson is too damn noble for this line of work.

Eventually, FitzSimmons lead Cal to the hangar, where Coulson pins the monster behind an SUV.

“Now it’s just you and me,” he says. “And we’re gonna talk.”

What you have done

While Kara rests, Ward continues his interrogation of Bobbi; she is gloriously unimpressed.

“I’ve seen the real Grant Ward,” she spits. “The one buried deep inside. He’s a coward who always has an excuse — or someone else to blame.”

Then Bobbi rips herself free (!!!) and starts fighting Ward. She makes a brilliant stand until he breaks her leg. Though she must be in an unfathomable amount of pain, she still refuses to confess to a crime she did not commit.

Kara aims her gun at Bobbi, but grows glum as she realizes that Bobbi has absolutely no f*cks left to give.

But Ward has an idea. He activates Bobbi’s cellphone, and Hunter locates the signal immediately; aware that this is probably a trap, he and May follow the beacon.

Unfortunately, Ward has other plans. He puts Bobbi, gagged and chained to a chair, in front of a sensored door; the next person person who enters will activate the rifle poised next to her.

“Brains everywhere,” Ward grins, because this is literally his idea of a good time. Kara wonders what Bobbi will feel when she sees someone she loves die.

“I know what we’ll feel,” Ward says. “Closure.”

And we in the audience feel only overwhelming nausea.


On the Iliad, Weaver and Mack — who has decided to stick around — work furiously to get the ship ready for battle. Mack spots the Inhumans infiltrating the ship, carrying an unconscious Skye. They very quickly subdue the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, including those guarding the Evil, Horrible, Evil, Scary, Evil, Why-Does-This-Abomination-Exist Evil Kree Thing in Room 43… though Weaver manages to send off an emergency beacon to Coulson.

Mack hides, grabs an axe, and prepares to fight. Because he’s the best.

Meanwhile, Jaiying arrives on the ship and produces more of the deadly blue Terrigen crystals.

“Now what?” asks Lincoln, because let’s face it, a very small brain rests behind that pretty face.

“Now,” Jaiying explains, “We begin.”

The ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D’ season 2 finale continues

‘S.O.S’: Part 2

The things we do for love

Coulson forces Cal to talk; “Hyde” mourns the kind woman Jaiying once was, solving the mystery of the devastated village in the Hunan Province. It took the lives of all those people to revive her. Coulson points out that Skye will not go along with Jaiying’s plan, and is in danger.

“She’s not my daughter, but she’s the closest to family I’ve got,” he says. “And I will save her, no matter what the cost.”

“Please,” Cal says. “Let me help you.”

About face

May, Hunter, and a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents infiltrate Ward and Kara’s Lair of Evil. Ward assures Kara that no one will interfere with Bobbi’s torment.

“I’ll take care of [May],” he promises. “I owe her that.”

As their backup is picked off, May sends out a message — her agents should not lower guard until they see her face. Kara overhears this, and smiles.

Hearing Hunter approach, Bobbi frantically tries to wrench herself free. Hunter opens the door, and Bobbi — wonderful, brave, amazing Bobbi — hauls herself in front of the gun and catches the round in her back.

At nearly the same time, Ward rounds a corner and slams into May. Grinning, he shoots her three times.

“Baby?” May whispers. Ward’s self-satisfied smile collapses; Kara’s mask dies as she does.

Bobbi is slightly luckier. She hangs on long enough for Hunter and May to race her back to the Playground, where Simmons quickly operates on her friend.


On the Iliad, Jaiying orders a case of the Terrigen crystals set up in the main fan room of the ship; the rest are to be loaded onto the quinjet. Lincoln finds the signal Weaver has sent out to Coulson; Jaiying murders agents with the crystals until Weaver expands the S.O.S. to reach all of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Meanwhile, Lincoln and Gordon eye the Evil, Horrible, Evil, Scary, Evil, Why-Does-This-Abomination-Exist Evil Kree Thing. Gordon believes it is safer with the Inhumans, and you know what Gordo? We completely agree. Please. Keep. This. Thing. Away. From. Simmons.


Anyway, Lincoln expresses doubts to Gordon about Jaiying’s brutality. Gordon reminds him that Jaying went to extreme measures to save Lincoln. Gordon also believes Skye has been turned against them.

This theory is tested when Lincoln finds Skye — who has been freed by Mack — about to disable the S.O.S. When she gets through to him, Lincoln tells her the plan for the crystals. Mack knocks him out, because he’s really not taking any shit right now, and heads off with his axe to guard the crystals.

Standing in the way

May calls Andrew Garner after Bobbi comes out of surgery. “You haven’t made a call like this since Bahrain,” he notes. “Do good, Melinda,” he tells her. “Get home safe.”

On a similar note, Simmons nervously watches Fitz prepare to leave with Coulson. She points out — as fans have noted all season long — that they still have not discussed Fitz’s declaration of love in the medpod.

“There’s nothing to discuss, Jemma,” he says.

“Maybe there is,” she says — and bursts into tears as Coulson pulls a surprised Fitz away on their mission to the Iliad.

This show is evil.

May, Coulson, Fitz, and yes, Cal, fly to the Iliad to answer the S.O.S. Coulson dismisses the other S.H.I.E.L.D. forces when then Skye’s message comes through — obviously, this is a trap. She also sends out the information about the lethal crystals being held in the fan room.

As they land, Cal insists that he will take care of Jaiying, while Coulson handles the crystals.

Skye confronts Jaiying as she prepares to load more Terrigen crystals on the quinjet. Jaiying insists that she is going to build a better world for people like them.

“And kill anyone in your way,” Skye adds.

“Only if they’re in our way,” Jaiying says coldly.

Jaiying leaves Skye to fight Miss Multiplication, and locks Cal away on her way to the quinjet. Lincoln and May intervene before Skye is overwhelmed. Lincoln removes the inhibitors from Skye’s hands and she goes after Jaiying.

She promises May not to hesitate — to do “whatever it takes.”

As it began

Gordon flowers into the fan room, and is surprised to find Mack waiting for him. (Partially because Mack is super sexy right now, maybe? That’s just us? Okay.) When Coulson and Fitz arrive, Fitz sets up his quantum field disruptor. No-Eyes is shocked when the trap kicks in.

“What did you do?” he demands.

“Science, bee-yatch!” says Fitz. Ultimately, Gordon teleports himself right onto the pipe Fitz is holding.

This would be a win, but Gordon is clutching a Terrigen crystal — which slips from his fingers as he falls to the ground. But Coulson dives forward and catches the crystal!

This would also be a win, but the show definitely answers the question “Is Coulson an Inhuman?” as the Director’s hand begins to turn to stone.

But, in a great and terrible echo of Isabel Hartley, Mack slams his axe down on Coulson’s arm, severing the stone from still-living human flesh.

So… win?

Hands taking hold of me

Skye finds Jaiying on the deck, loading the crystals onto the quinjet. Jaiying channels Darth Vader and invites Skye to join her. “You and I together — think of how powerful we could be,” she breathes. “We could launch a revolution — side by side.”

But Skye refuses to let Jaiying take anymore lives. Jaiying reaches out to cup her daughter’s face and begins to suck Skye’s life away from her. But Skye twists toward the quinjet and blasts it into the ocean — along with its cargo of Terrigen crystals.

Soon, mother and daughter are locked together again, sending their powers through each other. They are interrupted by Cal.

“Please,” he says. “Stop. You don’t have to do this.” He looks at Skye. “You don’t have to live with that pain. I will.”

Cal grabs Jaiying, crushing her to death. Stunned, Skye can only watch as her father weeps over the woman he loved, lived for, killed for — and killed.

As we near the end…

Open doors

A short time later, Coulson meets with Garner at the Playground; he is “looking into some options” for his amputated arm. He also has a “new program” in mind, which Garner has approved Skye for.

Mack is sticking around, and Coulson puts him in charge of the alien artifacts. Meanwhile, May has asked for some time off; she does, however, bring her gun on her holiday. And Bobbi is stable, but has a long recovery ahead of her. “I can’t do this anymore,” she admits to Hunter.

Skye says a tearful goodbye to her father, who is “going away for good.” At long last, father and daughter are meeting on equal footing. Skye promises to visit.

Oh, and Evil Ward is still around. His efforts to find leads at Hydra are literally dead ends, so Evil Ward takes over and co-opts a few minions. “What’s the plan, sir?” one asks. Evil Ward looks at his photo of Kara.

“Closure,” he says, evilly.


Skye visits Cal, but he has gone through the TAHITI program. Cal is living happily as a veterinarian and has no memory of Skye — or of Daisy.

Coulson offers Skye her own opportunity — a team centered on people with powers, called “CATERPILLARS.”

(Also, she can drive Lola.)

“My mother was right about one thing,” Skye says. “People like me need to be kept a secret.” Coulson agrees to anonymity, but tells her they have to do it; his arm is a constant reminder.

“We’ll never get ahead of the consequences that I, that you, that S.H.I.E.L.D. have set in motion,” he says.

“Like a ripple in the water,” Skye muses.

“But this ripple won’t fade,” Coulson says. “It will grow, and grow, until it’s a tidal wave.”

And in fact, this seems to be literally true. The Terrigen crystals Skye dumped into the ocean dissolve into the water, slipping into schools of fish which are caught and processed into pills.

Soon, they land on shelves around the world. “Natural Omega 3 Fish Oil,” the bottles boast. “Health Benefits That Will Change Your Life.”

And then that’s it, the end, the episode is over.

This is the end

…okay fine, one more thing happens.

Fitz and Simmons study the Evil, Horrible, Evil, Scary, Evil, Why-Does-This-Abomination-Exist Evil Kree Thing, and then Fitz adorably, awkardly asks Simmons out to dinner, and she gets the hint and says yes!

And that’s it! The end! The episode is OVER!

…okay fine, one more thing happens.

Fitz leaves Simmons alone to finish her work and THAT IS IT. THE END. THE EPISODE IS OVER.



One more thing happens.

Simmons notices that something is misplaced at the front of the glass. She reaches out to fix it, like the wonderful, helpful, brilliant, beautiful, fearless scientist she is.

And the door bursts open. The Thing — the Evil, Horrible, Evil, Scary, Evil, Why-Does-This-Abomination-Exist Evil Kree Thing — spills out. It gushes over Agent Simmons. It swallows her whole and screaming and re-forms, like there is nothing wrong — no horrible gaping hole at the center of the world.

That’s it. The end.

The episode — and who knows what else — is over.

How are you coping with the crazy ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ season 2 finale?