Two new promotional spots for Marvel’s Agent Carter make it clear Peggy is definitely not afraid to get her hands dirty.

Marvel fans will know that there is much more to Peggy Carter than meets the eye, and new previews for Agent Carter hammer the point home for anyone who may have missed the memo.

The first preview, dubbed “It Ain’t Life and Death,” fills us in on the cover which Peggy adopts while beginning to work for the Scientific Strategic Reserve.

The preview reveals that Peggy’s new circumstances will apparently require her to lead something of a double life. Her real identity as the competent and kick-ass Agent Carter will be shielded by an unassuming job at a phone company – which, as her friend Angie (Lindsey Fonesca) points out, hardly offers any life-threatening stakes.

The second preview offers a look at more of what Peggy will face in the line of duty, which includes knife-fights, explosions, and sexism.

It looks like Peggy’s strength, resilience, and dignity will all be challenged in the early hours of Agent Carter, but we have no doubt that the tenacious operative will more than prove her mettle in the S.S.R.

Speaking of the Scientific Strategic Reserve, both clips offer our first (albeit brief) look at Boardwalk Empire‘s Shea Wigham as the organization’s chief. Still to come are our introductions to agents Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) and Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) who will presumably have a strong influence Peggy’s experiences in the post-war spy trade.

Another crucial character, Edwin Jarvis, made his wry debut in a recent sneak peek from the premiere episode of Agent Carter. After a sweet farewell between Howard Stark and Peggy – arms trading is afoot! – the butler (James D’Arcy) was instructed to help Peggy in her investigative work. But it seems more than likely that it is Agent Carter who will be helping her hapless fellow Brit when her work leads them into unexpected dangers.

Agent Carter will premiere on Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 9:00 p.m. on ABC.

How do you think ‘Agent Carter’ is shaping up?