Captain America’s Howling Commandos will reunite with Peggy Carter in an upcoming episode of Agent Carter.

The episode, titled “The Iron Ceiling,” will feature the return of Steve Rogers’ scrappy squadron in a post-war capacity. But according to the official synopsis, Peggy’s chance to reunite with her fellow soldiers will not come without risk.

“Peggy is finally trusted with a mission and calls upon her trusted Howling Commandos squad for backup,” ABC says. “But her cover could be at risk when S.S.R. Chief Dooley also sends Agent Thompson with her.”

The Howling Commandos’ return will be led by Neal McDonough’s Dum-Dum Dugan, who appeared with Hayley Atwell in the season premiere of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Unfortunately, fellow commandos Jim Morita (Kenneth Choi) and Gabe Jones (Derek Luke) are not slated to appear on Agent Carter.

Related: Agent Carter books Stan Lee for a cameo

Instead, new members of the Howling Commandos have been added… and most of them seem to have sufficiently wacky names. Leonard Roberts will play Happy Sam Sawyer, James Austin Kerr will appear as Junior Juniper, and Richard Short will play Pinky Pinkerton.

Say those names five times fast, we dare you.

The addition of previously-unseen Howling Commandos does broaden the pool for the potential appearance of Peggy’s future husband. The mystery man was allegedly among those rescued from the Nazis by Captain America, many of whom joined up with the Commandos.

But could this be misdirection? Perhaps Dooley attaches Agent Thompson to Peggy’s crew because Thompson — a noted war hero — has a common history with these men. Unlikely as it seems at the moment (on account of his being a jerkface), Thompson remains a potential option for Peggy’s romantic future.

Of course, it’s much more important that Peggy continue to kick evil’s ass. On her own, Peggy is a force to be reckoned with; we predict that adding the Howling Commandos to her arsenal will just up her awesomeness ante to 11.

Agent Carter season 1, episode 4, “The Blitzkrieg Button,” airs Tuesday, Jan. 27 at 9:00 p.m. on ABC.

Are you excited to see the Howling Commandos on ‘Agent Carter’?