Adele is a huge Drake fan and wants to seriously do a remix of “Hotline Bling.”

Speaking to etalk about her obsession with Drake, Adele mentioned that not only is she an absolutely huge fan of him and his song “Hotline Bling,” but that she seriously would love to collaborate with him on a remix.

“I had a drink like three weeks ago [with] my best friends, in fact it was to celebrate ‘Hello’. And I was off my face because I don’t really drink anymore, and they’ve got video of me dancing to it on a coffee table as well.”

“I really want us to do an official remix. I love Drake. I love Drake so much. I even got the coat that’s in the video, I got it delivered the other day, I ordered it. The red one.”

Drake caught wind of the news himself and posted a cartoon photo on Instagram of him and Adele.

Me and my main ting just coolin. ?

A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on

Though the pairing may not seem to make sense in terms of genre or fanbase, there’s something exciting about the possibility of Adele’s soaring vocals remixed into the upbeat sounds of “Hotline Bling.” There has to be some sort of crossover with “Hello” though right? “I know when that hotline bling,” followed by “Hello, it’s me.”

Regardless, it’s pretty clear that fans want and will listen to anything Adele has to offer. She’s on her way to destroying all-time sales records with her latest album 25, according to reports from Billboard.

Are you into the idea of an Adele/Drake collaboration?