NBC has released two clips from Community‘s upcoming premiere “History 101.” Troy, Abed, Annie, Britta and Shirley all make appearances, leaving Jeff and Pierce the only Greendale Sevens out. Naturally Jeff is the subject of conversation in one. Classic Winger: being the center of attention even when he’s not present.

In the first teaser, Abed gets “therapized” by Britta.

It looks like Abed has remained true to his promise to let Britta be his full-time therapist. That’s a brave move for anyone, let alone someone who once hallucinated that everything around him was claymation. And Dr. Britta’s (featuring scholarly glasses and everything) advice of “go to your happy place” is rather suspect. Anytime Abed Nadir goes ANY place in his mind, he runs the risk of not coming back for a while. Britta is right about one thing, however, senior year is a stressful time for everyone…especially those who are somehow in their senior year at a community college.

In the second clip Shirely and Annie engage in some shenanigans involving Jeff’s car.

Annie and Shirley are mad at Jeff for wanting to yet again jump the gun on his graduation (It’s been four years at a community college, guys…FOUR YEARS!) and have gone decidedly old school with their prank: filling Jeff’s car with popcorn kernels and aluminum and using sunlight reflected off mirrors to pop them. We’re not sure what their angle is here: the only smell in the world better than new car smell is fresh buttered popcorn. Plus, they needn’t worry. Everybody knows that Jeff Winger has a very important dinner date on May 23.