Summer is upon us, with school nearing to a close and everyone looking forward to their much-needed vacations. To help with your holiday plans, here are a few things to get excited for this summer, no matter where you’re located.

For most fandom-oriented people, summer is known as Con season. There is no greater time to be a part of a fandom than now, as there is pretty much a conference for everyone.

Here are some of the major ones going on this season.

LeakyCon and Ascendio

Not one, but two huge Harry Potter conferences are happening this year. Ascendio is in Orlando (July 12-15) right next to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. There couldn’t be a better location. If you’re planning on going to the WWoHP, then why not tie it in with this great conference? Meet other people who are just in love with HP while you have a butterbeer, watch StarKid, listen to the hosts of MuggleCast or dance your heart out.

The next Potter oriented conference is LeakyCon, held this year in Chicago from the August 9 – 12. LeakyCon looks like it’s going to be truly amazing. This year they are moving out of just Harry Potter related panels, and including other fandoms. They are having two days of a Lit track, where popular authors and professionals, notably John Green, come to give talks for fans and for those who are interested in getting into the business. StarKid will be there, along with great Wizard Rock.


Want to see your favourite youtubers in the flesh, and not just on your screen? Then Vidcon is the place for you. It is being held in the Anaheim Convention Centre in California from June 28 – 30. Not only can you meet and chat with big name youtube creators, but it also encourages “Independent creators, enablers, makers, viewers and supporters of all kinds”. If you want to help your own business or career and make useful contacts, then this a must.

San Diego Comic Con

Arguably the biggest and well-known conference, the San Diego Comic Con is from July 12 – 15. Pretty much anything and everything is showcased at this Comic Con, with big film companies previewing their newest releases months in advance and the stars doing Q&A panels as well. Movies, TV, anime, cartoons, and crazy merch – it’s all here.

If you want to be the first to know about anything related to your fandom, be sure to attend this event.

Oz Comic Con

Not wanting this to be solely for Americans, fellow Australians will be happy to know that Australia will be having its first ever Comic Con. Melbourne will be starting their’s on June 30th, at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. Of course it won’t be as big as San Diego’s, but will be a great experience for us Australians who get too few chances to attend such events.
Australians should also check out Supanova, which is another pop culture expo, that has been running for the past ten years and has had a host of impressive guests.

What about the Brits? It’s not often that they get something for themselves, but this should help cheer them up.

Quidditch at the Olympics

Yes, that’s right, with the advent of the Olympics being held in London, they have decided to have Quidditch at the Olympics. It will be played during the Torch ceremony with the UK, France, the US, and Australia all competing. This is a once in a lifetime event and anyone who can see it really should go and witness their favourite wizarding sport being played at such a historic event.

What are some events that are a little easier on the bank account?

The Amazing Spider-man and The Dark Knight Rises

Can’t believe that two such huge franchises are releasing their movies in the same month? I can’t believe that Spider-Man got a reboot, but they do look really friggin’ awesome.

Spider-Man is coming out July 3rd, with rising star Andrew Garfield and Hollywood favourite Emma Stone. Peter Parker is on a quest to discover what really happened to his parents, while fending off the villain Lizard, and you know- probably kissing Emma Stone upside down.

Batman is released July 19th, and although they have been quite secretive in regards to any pictures or videos being publicized, if it’s anything like the Dark Knight, it’s going to be incredible.

There are many other great things happening this summer, so let everyone else know what you’re looking forward to in the comments, or whether you already have plans to attend any of the events mentioned.

Listen to similar discussions related to pop culture on the podcast Memoirs of a Fangirl.