Halloween. It’s a time for cool costumes and great parties. Or staying in, eating, and watching TV.

The kids have come, conquered, and pilfered your candy supplies. Except your secret stash of treats (no tricks) that you hid from the rest of your house, specifically for this, your Halloween TV marathon. To help your All Hallows Eve go off without a hitch, we’ve selected the best Halloween specials of all your favorite shows. From hilarious comedies to terrifying tragedies, we’ve tried to cover as many bases as possible with this list. But in case you can think of any we’ve missed, feel free to share them in the comments!

‘American Horror Story’ – ‘Halloween’ Parts 1 & 2

Consisting of the fourth and fifth episodes of season 1, “Halloween” provides plenty of tension, scares, and interesting character work. If you’re looking to spend most of the evening cowering behind the sofa, then American Horror Story will give you everything you’re looking for and more. Featuring the return of Rubber Man and Zachary Quinto’s show debut, horror fans are sure to find something they love.

‘Buffy’ – ‘Halloween’

Continuing the trend of creatively titled seasonal specials, Buffy‘s “Halloween” (the sixth episode of season 2) sees the Vampire Slayer and her friends explore a mysterious shop where customers turn into the subject of their costumes. Featuring all of the endearing wit, campness, and cleverness that Joss Whedon’s masterpiece is remembered for, “Halloween” is a Buffy classic.

‘Community’ – ‘Paranormal Parentage’

If you’re looking for some hilarious, zany, Halloween fun then Community has all the pop culture references and irreverent humor you could ever want. Every one of the show’s Halloween specials are gems, but in the second episode of season 4, the study group’s plans to go to a Halloween party are ruined when they find out Pierce is trapped in his own house. With plenty of gags, ghosts, and even some emotional beats for the characters, “Paranormal Parentage” is definitely one of season 4’s best offerings.

‘Goosebumps’ – All

Ah, Goosebumps. It terrorized our childhoods, from mysterious masks to magical typewriters, the series (based on R. L. Stines’ books) became an iconic part of any ’90s kid’s growth. Of course, they haven’t really dated very well. At all. But where you used to find them terrifying, you’ll now find the episodes unintentionally hilarious. So gather your friends, grab some beverages, and play a Goosebumps drinking game!

‘Modern Family’ – ‘Halloween’

Modern Family always balances outlandish humor with genuine heart, and the second season’s sixth episode is no exception. Phil worries Claire’s obsession with a haunted house is a sign she no longer loves him, Mitchell makes the wrong choice at his work’s costume day, and Gloria becomes self-conscious about her accent after Jay teases her. And of course, things escalate when the family get together towards the end of the episode. For plenty of Halloween costumes, decorations, and plenty of laughs, Modern Family is always a safe pair of hands.

‘Glee’ – ‘Rocky Horror Glee Show’

If you’d prefer to spend your Halloween singing into your hairbrush rather than cowering behind your sofa, “The Rocky Horror Glee Show” is the karaoke party you’re looking for. All the outrageous songs and characters from The Rocky Horror Show, performed by the heartthrobs of Glee. A Meatloaf cameo, Emma performing “Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me,” and Sam in tight gold hot-pants are just some of the highlights that Gleeks will love.

‘The Simpsons’ – Treehouse of Horror

Many Simpsons fans have grown up with the show, and the Treehouse of Horror series are one of the most iconic parts of the series. There have been 25 episodes so far, meaning we have 75 stories of scares and laughs to enjoy. With pun-tastic credits, brilliant opening themes and outlandish stories, Treehouse of Horror’s gargantuan 500+ minute running time means you can have a pretty lengthy marathon ahead of you.

What’s your favourite Halloween special?