Though Avengers: Endgame brought over a decade’s worth of Marvel movies to a satisfying close, we still have one or two niggling questions remaining.

As is the case with any Marvel movie, when we left our seats after the credits rolled on Endgame we had, well, a few questions on our minds. With the complexities of time travel introduced, as well as several deaths, returns and resurrections, there’s plenty to mull over as we watch and re-watch Endgame in anticipation of Phase Four beginning.

Warning: Spoilers for Avengers: Endgame ahead.

42 questions we still have after ‘Avengers: Endgame’

  1. How did Captain Marvel know where to find Tony Stark and Nebula?
  2. With oxygen running out on board, how long did it take Captain Marvel to carry the ship back to Earth? How fast is she able to travel?
  3. Will someone find the rat that freed Scott from the Quantum Realm and praise it as the true hero of Endgame?
  4. Did no professional sports leagues start back up in the five years after the snap?
  5. Does the Quantum Realm work differently for different people? Only five hours passed for Scott, yet Janet van Dyne aged at a normal rate.
  6. How did that second date go for the guy in Steve’s post-Snap support group?
  7. Will Clint Barton be held accountable for his actions (i.e. murdering a whole load of people) in the five-year jump?
  8. With Clint’s family returned, will they now be in danger because of the enemies he made while operating as Ronin?
  9. How did Valkyrie and Korg survive the attack on the Asgardian ship?
  10. For that matter, are there any other off-world Asgardians who survived Thanos’ attack? Like Lady Sif…
  11. If the Ancient One can see everything, would she not have already known that the Hulk would visit her in 2012?
  12. Where was Korath when Nebula and Rhodey were on Morag to acquire the Power Stone?
  13. Why didn’t Nebula and/or Tony warn the 2014 Space team about the potential price of the Soul stone? Nebula appeared to put it together on Titan and Tony was with her when she did.

  14. How do Nebula’s memories work? Are they all held in a separate, cloud-based network?
  15. What. Happened. In. Budapest?
  16. The Stones have been seen consuming people in previous movies. How can everyone suddenly hold them with no issues?
  17. What happens when Steve has to go back and return all of the stones, only to come face to face with the Red Skull on Vormir?
  18. If the rule for the soul stone is “a soul for a soul,” does that allow Steve to free a soul/bring someone back as he returns it?
  19. Could the Avengers jump back in time and take a past version of Natasha out of the timeline — much in the same way that happened with Gamora?
  20. The Wanda and Vision Disney+ series is reportedly set in the 1950s. Does that mean they travel back in time? Or will Wanda create her own “perfect” (but simulated) universe for them to live in?
  21. What are the ramifications of so many people and creatures returning to the universe? Will there be food, housing, and resource shortages? Will there be an increase in deaths? How will they handle people who are married to multiple people? How will they handle the fact that the snapped will effectively have two ages?
  22. Did the entire Homecoming crew get snapped and therefore are still in high school when Far From Home picks up in 2023?
  23. Both T’Challa and Shuri were snapped during the Decimation. Who ruled Wakanda in their place? Will they step aside now that T’Challa has returned?
  24. Has Pepper been practicing her skills as Rescue? She picked things up very quickly…

  25. Where did Valkyrie’s pegasus come from?
  26. Where was Goose?
  27. For that matter, where were the Inhumans from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? And Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Iron Fist?
  28. How did Thanos’ army travel to the future Earth? Surely they couldn’t all fit on his ship in 2014.
  29. What are the ethics of Tony basically committing genocide when he snaps Thanos and his allies from existence?
  30. Why did Natasha not get a funeral or a memorial service?
  31. When will the Black Widow movie take place? Will it be an origin story/prequel?
  32. In the comics, the super soldier serum means that Steve barely ages. Does the serum work differently in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
  33. Were there two Steves in the timeline where he returns and marries Peggy?
  34. Where did Gamora go?
  35. Is Thor an official member of the Guardians of the Galaxy now? Will he show up in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?
  36. Will the surviving Asgardians accept Valkyrie as their new “king”?
  37. Some characters are still awol after the events of Endgame: Sharon Carter, Luis, and Cassie Lang’s parents. What happened to them?
  38. Are Cassie Lang, Lila Barton and Morgan Stark being set up as future (Young) Avengers?
  39. How easily will the world accept Sam Wilson as Captain America?
  40. Will the Sokovia Accords be amended due to the Decimation and the death of Tony Stark?
  41. With Thanos eliminated, who will be the next big bad threatening the MCU? Doctor Doom? Galactus?
  42. Was the hammering sound at the end of Endgame’s credits a nod back to Tony building his first suit or something more?

What questions do you still have after ‘Avengers: Endgame’?