That’s it, folks. After seven years of truly excellent comedy, 30 Rock has taken its final bow. The “TGS” sets have been torn down, and the stage lights have been turned off. Liz finally concluded her quest to “have it all.” Jack realized that the elusive concept of happiness might have been worth his time. And Kenneth? Well he just kept on Kennething.

The final episode pulled off that emotional high-wire act that only a show like 30 Rock can pull off. Just like it had been for seven years, the show was relentlessly, ceaselessly funny but still found a way to tug at the heartstrings. It’s in part because we all have so much invested in these characters but also because Tina Fey and her staff of writers and producers still know how to toss an emotional jab or two amongst all of their comedy prowess.

It’s funny to think of it now but seven years ago, 30 Rock was nothing more than the NBC show about the wacky behind-the-scenes goings-on at a sketch comedy show that WASN’T created by Aaron Sorkin. But despite launching in the shadow of another television giant, 30 Rock quickly found its footing and a place amongst NBC’s excellent Thursday night comedy line-up.

Perhaps no show has ever been so focused on the singular concept of just making its viewers laugh than 30 Rock. Fey threw every possible kind of joke or humorous situation at the audience, which meant the show could occasionally a be a bit messy. But even when it was, it was a big, glorious, fun mess. And the finale was no exception.

How did you feel about 30 Rock‘s last hour? Was it better than MILF Island‘s or even Homonym?

Share your thoughts below!