24 season 9, episode 6 airs tonight. President Heller wisely decides to let Jack deal with the terrorist threat.

Last week on 24, Margot Al-Hahrazi finally got her hands on some U.S. drones, threatening relations between the U.S. and Great Britain. Now this week President Heller reacts with his only possible move: let Jack loose to handle the threat.

Promos show Jack getting the full cooperation of the U.S. government and all the resources he needs. But he wants one resource in particular to find arms dealer Karl Rask, Agent Kate Morgan.

Official Synopsis for ’24: Live Another Day,’ episode 6, ‘4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m’

Tensions between President Heller and Prime Minister Davies boil over, until one of them decides to take matters into his own hands. Meanwhile, Jack has a plan for tracking down Margot, but it involves using someone unexpected—and unsuspecting — as bait; and back at the CIA in London, Jordan raises suspicions about Kate’s husband.

A preview from ’24: Live Another Day,’ episode 6 shows Jack on the hunt for Karl Rask

How to watch ’24: Live Another Day’ online

Fox offers full episodes of 24 on its official website. However, they typically aren’t up for several days.

A quicker option is to set your DVR or watch the episode OnDemand through your cable provider. They’re usually OnDemand the following day of the premiere date.

iTunes also offers a season pass for $31.99 or individual episodes for $2.99.