Well guys, it’s coming. The BBC’s choice for the role of the twelfth Doctor will be revealed Sunday, ending two months worth of hardcore fan speculation.

It’s been going on for nine weeks, and everyone seemed to have an idea of who the Doctor should (or shouldn’t) be. A black man, a woman, an unknown, Tom Hiddleston: everybody had an opinion, and was happy to share it.

Some fans didn’t believe that any actor could follow Matt’s run. More still were worried that whoever would play Twelve would be be too serious, too old, or just not right for the role. But while it has caused a fair amount of uneasiness, I don’t believe that fans have anything to worry about

We’ve had great Doctors in the reboot time and time again. A wonderful Chris Eccleston made way for David Tennant, who promptly won us over. And when many were convinced his act couldn’t be followed, Matt Smith appeared on the scene and proved them all wrong.

Lest you fail to realize the significance of Tennant’s departure, let me be the first to tell you that this was not just mild discontent. People’s worlds were shattered. Some refused to watch Ten’s final episode. Some boycotted the show, rejoining seasons later, or not at all. Matt was the recipient of some serious scrutiny. And he still delivered.

If you’re still nervous remember this: Doctor Who is more popular than ever. Matt’s era has dramatically expanded the shown fanbase, and I doubt the BBC is going to give away the title role of their baby without knowing he’s in good hands.

Now, as we anticipate the announcement, we don’t have to sit biting our nails in front of our laptops, rewatching Skyfall and The Thick of It. I have faith that they’ll pick a perfect twelve, one who will get his (or her) own set of quirks, catchphrases and an iconic costume. In an episode or two, we’ll be laughing, cheering, and crying as our beloved Twelve saves the world and makes us proud.