The best TV quotes of the week are highlighted every Saturday on Hypable. If you want to know what was funny, sad, or snarky on TV this week, look no further.

Did your favorite show bring on the funny, the memorable, or the meta this week with quotable TV quotes? Did you laugh out loud from the words of the resident “joke machine”? Will you be making a meme from what your favorite characters said? Are their words destined to end up on a t-shirt or coffee mug?

So, check it out, and see if our picks for favorite TV quotes of the week match your favorite TV quotes of the week!

We want to include your fandom. If we missed something, you can make sure your favorite TV quotes of the week are featured in the future by giving a suggestion to the writer who usually covers your fandom in the recap discussion of the latest episode.

‘The Originals’

Kol: “I think I want to be alone for this bit.”

Elijah: “I’m afraid that’s not an option.”

Klaus: “Always and forever is not just something you weasel out of, brother.”

In his final moments, Kol tells his family that he just wants to be alone. But in true Mikaelson fashion that just isn’t gonna cut it. Always and forever, after all.

‘The Walking Dead’

Glenn: “You fought to be here, and we have to keep fighting.”

Maggie is in a dark place having lost both her father and Beth. Glen reminds her that she’s stronger than she thinks, and he and the others are still there for her. They still have hope of a better tomorrow.


Beckett: “Thanks for coming to get me.”

Castle: “Always.”

After Castle and Beckett both defeated the 3XK killer following her abduction, the two share a moment with their signature phrase.

On page 2: ‘Agent Carter,’ ‘The Flash,’ ‘Supernatural,’ and ‘Arrow’

‘Agent Carter’

Chief Dooley: “I’m supposed to believe that you pulled off your own investigation without any of us noticing?”

Agent Sousa: “Why would you go through all that trouble, instead of coming to one of us?”

Agent Carter: “I conducted my own investigation because no one listens to me. I got away with it because no one looks at me. Because unless I have your reports, your coffee, or your lunch, I’m invisible.”

Peggy played the last few cards in her hand this week by offering a full confession to the S.S.R. The agents were skeptical, but after seven episodes of being underestimated, it was amazing to watch Peggy calmly give her colleagues the truth – and the incredibly valuable agent – they’ve been ignoring.

‘The Flash’

Barry: “Impossible’s just another Tuesday for us, remember?”

Cisco: “Yeah, but this is like some Twilight Zone level stuff. And I say that knowing full well that we have a guy locked up in our basement who can turn himself into poison gas.”

Ronnie: “Wait, Really?”

Cisco: “Dude, that was like week three.”

The Flash goes a bit meta as the team brings Ronnie up to speed with the new S.T.A.R. Labs M.O.


Cain: “I’m saving you from your fate. Has it never occurred to you? Have you never mused upon the fact that you’re living my life in reverse? My story began when I killed my brother, and that’s where your story inevitably will end.”

While Cain and Dean have their big showdown, Cain shows he cares for Dean — in a twisted way. The Father of Murder foresees Dean going down the same path he did by killing Sam, so he plans to kill him before he can ruin himself for eternity, as Cain did when he killed Abel. (He fails, of course.).


Thea: “I will be your student. I’ll be your partner, and even if I have to, I will be your soldier. But never again will I be your daughter.”

Having learned the full extent of Malcolm Merlyn’s manipulations, Thea lays down some ground rules with her biological father moving forward as they work to stop Ra’s al Ghul.

On page 3:’The 100,”How to Get Away With Murder,’ and ‘Black Sails’

‘The 100’

Abby: “Don’t forget that we’re the good guys.”

There were a lot of good quotes in The 100 season 2, episode 13, but we chose the episode-ender because it says so much about how far the characters have come.

When someone has to point out their own goodness, it usually means they’re lying to themselves, but Abby honestly believes what she tells Clarke. It’s important to remember that the Sky People and Grounders are fighting BACK against Mount Weather, not mounting an offensive attack – and as Bellamy has already learned, not every Mountain Man is evil. We just hope Clarke realises this too, before she pulls a Finn and starts executing innocent people.

‘How to Get Away With Murder’

Ophelia: “I wiped your ass and I will call you anything I want!”

This week Annalise got a visit from probably the only person in the universe capable of intimidating her, and calling her out on her bullshit… her mother, played by veteran actress Cicely Tyson. Ophelia lets Annalise, or Anna Mae as she calls her, know that she is not fooling her momma with her name change, or anything else for that matter.

‘Black Sails’

Max: “What is happening here, the three of us, it is only temporary. A state of denial until she finally makes a choice.”

Rackham: “A choice between you and I? Anne and I have been by each others sides since she was 13-years-old. We have sailed together, we’ve killed together, we have shared things you couldn’t begin to imagine. You’ve shared a bed with her for a week.”

Max: “You would be amazed what could change in a week in my bed.”

Max and Rackham both still fight for Anne’s affections, but the real question is where does Anne’s loyalty lie? She may be sleeping with the both of them, but long term each is convinced that, in the end, Anne will choose them. It remains to be seen which one is right – the long-time love, or the new flame.