We can’t get enough of the teasers for the upcoming season of The Walking Dead. Now AMC is treating us to 10 new photos from season 3, giving us a few more hints of what is to come.

From the previews we’ve seen (and if you’ve read the graphic novels), we know that at least the beginning of this season centers on Rick and company taking safe haven in a prison. But it can’t really be that safe with all of the walkers that seem to be crawling around, and with this mysterious “Governor” creating roadblocks.

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With the tagline “Fight the dead, fear the living” for this season, we can only assume that the walkers aren’t going to be the biggest threat. The Governor could be a powerful ally…or a deadly enemy. (On a side note, we wonder if he still might think he’s a Time Lord.)

All of the photos are from the first episode, and we see the characters coming to the prison, defending themselves, and attempting to settle in.

But there are a few questions that need to be asked.

Take the photo that has Rick’s group sitting around on the grass, appearing to be having a lighthearted time. Beth is looking at something away from the group, and she looks scared. No one else seems to notice anything. What could it be? Walkers? The Governor?

That photo stuck out to us in particular as the one to give us the biggest hint for trouble arising.

We also see a lot of defense photos with the group in arms, and a couple with Carl and Rick on the watchtower. There is a pretty gruesome looking walker, and a still of pregnant Lori with an ambiguous expression on her face. We think she seems to look worried.

Check the new photos out for yourself, and let us know if you see any hints or questions we may have missed.