If you need something to listen to while you soak up the sun this Memorial Day weekend, why not give the WhoHype podcast a try? Let our four hosts from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia entertain you.

At the risk of sounding too much like Sally Field, judging by the comments on this thread, you liked us; you really, really, liked us! We are positively chuffed, stoked, psyched, and thrilled that our fellow Whovians seem to respond to it.

You can find the full episode description here. After going through the submission process for a new podcast, WhoHype is now available on ITunes slightly earlier than we anticipated.

Please let us know what you think of the podcast and what you might want us to cover in future episodes besides updates on filming and spoilers.

You can reach our four hosts and the show on Twitter:

Harri @HarriFSargeant

Laura @Laura__BC

Natalie @nataliefisher

Jen @JenLam26 


You can also shoot us an email at  whohype@hypable.com