The first Fault in Our Stars movie poster has been released and features Gus and Hazel.

Take a look at the adorable poster below.

UPDATE: You can purchase the poster via John and Hank Green’s Project For Awesome Indiegogo campaign.

The Fault in Our Stars movie poster is the first piece of marketing material and our first look at Hazel and Gus adapted for the big screen. It includes the tagline “One sick love story” and promotes the June 6, 2014 release date while the two lovebirds lay on the grass and share an intimate, happy moment together. The title looks very similar to how it appears on the book.

UPDATE 2: John Green has addressed the tagline after many fans have expressed disappointment. At the same link, vote in our poll about the topic.

Hazel Grace is played by Shailene Woodley and Augustus Waters is played by Ansel Elgort. The film is based on the beloved, best-selling novel by John Green originally released in January 2012.

Hypable visited the set of The Fault in Our Stars earlier this year and will be sharing a detailed set report closer to the release of the movie.

Elgort received the role of Gus thanks, in part, to chemistry seen between he and Woodley while they shot the book to film adaptation of Divergent. Both stars are huge fans of Fault. Green was on set for the majority of filming in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

What do you think of the ‘TFIOS’ movie poster?

So far so good on the marketing, right?

Thanks, Buzzfeed.