
Doctor Who – Series 7 Episode List

The Eleventh Doctor – SERIES 7

0: The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe

The Doctor has a habit of crashing straight into the lives of ordinary people and changing them forever before leaving, never to be seen again – but for Madge Arwell, it happens twice. After rescuing the Doctor from a trip through Earth’s atmosphere, Madge continues on with her life with a wish for the Doctor as her reward for her aid. Three years later, Madge’s life is changed forever – with the death of her husband comes a bleak Christmas for her and her children, Lily and Cyril. But a strange, bow-tie wearing caretaker is about to show up to their house, and he comes complete with a present that’s bigger on the inside…

1: Asylum of the Daleks

It’s the return of the Daleks, and it’s on a bigger scale than ever before. It’s been months since the Doctor whisked Amy and Rory Pond away to have mad adventures in the TARDIS. In Leadworth, the two companions are kidnapped while trying to end their now rocky marriage. On Skaro, the Doctor is kidnapped by a seemingly unassuming woman with a missing daughter. And deep beneath the asylum of the darkest, most twisted Daleks, a brand new surprise awaits – and this surprise comes with big consequences for his future.

2: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

A wild ride (literally) through space throws the Doctor, Amy, and Rory – joined by a rag-tag gang of travellers – into the discovery of a spaceship with some very unusual cargo. Queen Nefertiti, big-game hunter John Riddel, and Rory’s father, Brian, find themselves surrounded by some prehistoric consequences when they land aboard a spaceship headed for a heavily defended earth. As the Doctor cried out, joyfully: “Dinosaurs! On a spaceship!”.

3: A Town Called Mercy

Time with the Ponds is slowly running out. The Doctor picks up his married companions for a trip to Mexico – unfortunately, it’s never just a “trip to Mexico” with the Doctor. The three find themselves in an American town besieged by a human-cyborg hybrid on a mad hunt for a doctor – specifically, the alien kind of Doctor…

4: The Power of Three

“Invasion of the very small cubes. That’s new!” It’s been ten years for Amy and Rory since their first adventure with the Doctor, and they’re happily living the domestic life in Leadworth once more. Things change (as things are wont to do) when the cubes show up – tiny, black boxes with no sound, no markings, and no purpose. It’s over the course of the year that the family Pond and their live-in guest, the Doctor, slowly discover just what the bizarre invasion of the strange little cubes could mean for the planet.

5: The Angels Take Manhattan

Not New-New-New York, or even New-New-New-New-New-New York – this time, it’s just plain old New York for the TARDIS trio. An older (with definitely no wrinkles) Amy and Rory join the Doctor for a picnic in Central Park – but, as is always the case with the Doctor, trouble is brewing: the Angels have taken Manhattan. It’s now a mad race to save the city from a total takeover of the Doctor’s stone enemies. And on this, the Ponds’ final adventure, a certain Song returns…

Special: The Snowmen

The Doctor sits alone, on a cloud, surrounded by memories of his now long-departed Ponds. But down on Earth, a clever governess has run into a spot of trouble with the weather, and three intrepid investigators are on the lookout for something called ‘The Great Intelligence’. But the Doctor is going to need a bit of help to pull himself together long enough to save the Earth – and maybe the formerly deceased Clara Oswald can help.

6: The Bells of Saint John

Monks are not cool. The Doctor comes across the now twice-resurrected Clara, this time living in contemporary London and a bit befuddled by all that is technology and computers. There’s something funny going on with the wi-fi, though, and it’s up to the Doctor to convince Clara that she should team up with a complete (odd, bow-tie wearing, fast-talking) stranger to save the world from its favourite thing: the internet.

7: The Rings of Akhaten

Clara’s very first adventure aboard the TARDIS (ones aboard planes not withstanding) brings her to the farthest reaches of the universe – an alien marketplace, set around a celebration of the shining pyramid. There, Clara meets Merry, a little girl who represents the entirety of her culture. Merry’s fate falls squarely into the the Doctor and Clara’s hands when a long dormant God begins to awaken…

8: The Cold War

It’s a blast from the long-past for the Doctor: on a submarine, deep in the ocean in the year 1983, an unearthed block of ice is melting – and an Ice Warrior is emerging. Accompanied by Clara (who wanted to go to Las Vegas), the Doctor must negotiate their way out of both an alien warrior’s wrath, and the potential for the spark of a nuclear war.


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