
Kara Essman

Kara is a fifteen-year old vagabond trying to survive in the perilous lands that are the suburbs of New York. Kara loves to write. Also, she is pretty goddamn awesome. She can cook 5 minute rice in less than 60 seconds. She once managed to anger a monk with her supreme communication skills. Kara wants to be a television writer, computer scientist, or astrophysicist, which means she is probably smarter than you are. She wants to be retired by the time she’s old enough to be using the phrase “years young” instead of “years old”. Unless she’s a TV writer, in which case, she hopes she’s still working when she’s old enough to have dentures, so she can throw them at people when she doesn’t like their ideas, and make up bad puns about dentistry. You know the drill. Same old grind day after day. Brace yourselves, TV writers. She’s going to get on your nerves.