Hypable’s original shipping tournament, BattleShips, is set to return this June! Find out which ship is big enough to be named Hypable’s Ship of the Year. Will your ship win?

The time has come to root for your favorite ship! BattleShips will pit 24 ships from currently on-air TV shows against each other to see which ship has the loudest fan base.

Will your favorite couple have what it takes to get named Ship of the Year? It’s time to find out!

BattleShips is a competition that we began back in 2012, and it’s been a tradition almost every year since.

Each year we pick a theme for our shipping tournament. We’ve put the runner-ups against each other and we had one with exclusively book ships. This year we’re going back to basics.

This year’s BattleShips is going to be all about ships on currently airing TV shows. Since it’s season finale time that means shows that have not been cancelled for the 2017-2018 season. Sorry, The Vampire Diaries fans!

This year’s BattleShips consists of just two types of battles:

With the help of the Hypable staff we’ve compiled a list of ships from currently airing TV shows. To make things a little easier on us we’ve excluded all ships with dead characters whose fictional universes offer no chance of resurrection. So if your ship recently sank due to a permanent character death this past TV season we’re sorry for your loss!

We’ve also excluded ships with characters that have been absent from the show for several seasons and are not confirmed to return, like Izzie Stevens from Grey’s Anatomy or Derek Hale from Teen Wolf as as couple of examples.

If your ship isn’t listed in the poll but qualifies for the competition then use the comments below to nominate them! If you see your favorite ship already nominated in the comments then simply like that comment to give it an up vote.

If a ship in the comments gets enough likes to qualify for the top 24 winners then it’ll be included in the tournament!

Vote for your ships today! You can pick up to 24 couples at once, so which do you want to see go against each other?

This preliminary poll will run for 5 days and last until Sunday, June 4 at 9:00 PM Eastern. The top 24 couples will be pit against each other for Hypable’s 2017 BattleShips!

Who do you think will win BattleShips?

Editor’s note: If you don’t see your favorite ship, please be aware that we have purposefully omitted ships that have the following characteristics: Ships that include a permanently dead character, ships that include non-period-typical incest or otherwise deeply taboo or triggering dynamics, and ships that promote LGBTQIA+ erasure.

If you find that a ship on this list fits one of these characteristics contact Tariq Kyle via email or Twitter.