
‘Community’ pays tribute to ‘The Hunger Games’ in season 4 premiere

The October 19 season 4 premiere of NBC’s killer cult-favorite Community will be a tribute to The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. We fervently hope Dean Pelton will have mind-boggling outfits akin to Effie Trinket (with a slightly different personality) and that Greendale is transformed into a magical and mystical arena (with less death involved).

‘Community’ season 3 gag reels feature actual gagging

While Community fans eagerly await the season 4 premiere on October 19, we located two different gag reels from season 3 to remind you why you love the show (in case you forgot). One features Alison Brie (Annie) rapping and the other features word vomit (no wait, actual vomit).