Onceable Podcast

Episode #3: The Fairest of Them All

Hosted by Jen Lamoureux, Selina Wilken, Laura Byrne-Cristiano, Jessica Chapman, and Karen Rought

September 4, 2012

The third episode of Hypable’s Once Upon a Time podcast Onceable is here! The hosts discuss Snow White in fairy tales throughout the world and in the Once Upon a Time universe, go over the latest casting news and take listener feedback.

Also don’t forget to check out our latest poll regarding the Huntsman!

Show notes:
This week’s show is all about Snow White!

We hope you enjoy this episode! Just to let you all know, we will be releasing bi-weekly episodes until the show returns on September 30. We’ve got some discussion topics lined up, but feel free to suggest things for us to discuss in the comments, via email or on Twitter @OnceUponNews!

And if you haven’t already, subscribe to Onceable on iTunes and make life easier for yourselves! And while you’re there, feel free to leave us a review.

Now on to this week’s poll question regarding the future of the Huntsman. In a recent interview the creators of the show have stated that Graham, the Huntsman’s Storybrooke self, is indeed dead but they are not opposed to the Huntsman making an appearance. So listeners, what do you think? We had some pretty strong opinions on the Huntsman’s return, so now’s your chance to vote!

[poll id=112]

More from Onceable Podcast

Episode #1 – Hypable’s new ‘Once Upon a Time’ podcast!

Onceable is the latest addition to the Hypable podcasting network. The show is dedicated to in-depth discussion about ABC’s Once Upon a Time: show and cast commentary, casting news, rumors, and more. 

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