
Ranking March’s monstrous movie line-up

This March acted as an early summer with five anticipated blockbuster films crammed into just one month. With movie prices skyrocketing and reboots galore, it’s becoming more difficult than ever to decide where to invest your money. That begs the question: what should you see?

How bilingualism in movies is changing our cultural perception

More and more, we’re seeing languages besides English prominently featured in blockbuster films. But does bilingualism have a positive impact, or reinforce age-old stereotypes? How does the use of language in movies change the way we think about people?

After ‘Logan’: Should Laura become the next Wolverine?

After Logan, audiences were left curious about the future of the X-Men franchise. Will we see a continuation of Laura’s story, and if so, will she still be played by Dafne Keen? Hints by Logan’s creators indicate that she might.