Onceable Podcast

Episode #67 – This will always be THAT episode

Hosted by Laura, Jen, and Kristen

April 28, 2015

Jenn, Laura, and Kristen are here to discuss Once Upon a Time season 4, episode 20, “Lily.”

-How did we like this episode: thumbs up, thumbs down, or thumbs sideways.
-Favorite quotes: Regina gets some love, and Robin too.
-General consensus: We’re all a little shocked with the ending, but we’ll get to that later.

The past:
-Lily and Emma met more than once, and this time doesn’t end well, either.
-Does Lily’s curse seem troublesome to anyone? Is she choosing to cause trouble or is trouble finding her? Does she have free will in any of this?
-A little Sorceror/Sorceror’s Apprentice action here answers the “Who has been recording all these happenings all this time?” question.
-Author issues: This guy will probably never give himself up, but he also seems to be looking for some sort of resolution to the trouble he caused.
-This also begs the question: How does one go about firing an author?

The present:
-Malificent is surprisingly calm and reasonable here.
-We loved that it was made clear that Lily’s being alive doesn’t absolve Snow and Charming of their wrongdoing.
-A little mixup, but verdict: Rumpel never stole Will’s heart
-Did Belle give Regina her heart willingly or did Regina take it by force?
-Why is Rumpel acting kindly toward Belle?
-The word ‘redeemable’ just doesn’t belong in the same sentence with Rumpel anymore.
-Jen reminds us that Rumpel’s plan is still in the works, so he isn’t really doing a selfless thing in giving Belle her heart back.
-Time to talk about the Emma and Regina road trip from hell.
-Lowell, Massachusetts… kinda random.
-We see a wolf, and we can’t help but think RED! Sadly, it doesn’t appear to be her though.
-Kristen has mad love for the magical wolf-thing that ran Emma off the road.
-The wall of Storybrooke notes and string: Really? Do they teach this to all villains?
-Emma, Lily, Regina, and the gun.
-Regina’s speech is remarkable. Seriously. We were moved.
-Kudos to Jenn Morisson’s work on this episode.
-And we arrive at THAT scene.
-How can we get out of this?
-Laura lays it out: You can’t root for the baby to die here, so how can we rectify this situation?
-There’s an serious reason why some fairytale tropes cannot be used in modern examples like this.
-Could this ‘series changing event’ that’s supposed to be coming up erase the Zelina-baby?
-We wouldn’t be surprised if these former Lost writers take a page out of their Lost history books and make a big announcement to settle some shaken viewers after this baby fiasco.

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