
Episode #17 – The Phantom of Smash Chat

Hosted by Mitchel Clow, Jessica O'Neal, Megan Stoll, Coty Chanley

May 15, 2012

What did you think of last night’s ‘Smash’ season 1 finale? Listen in to hear the Hypable podcasters’ thoughts!

– Coty, Megan, Mitch and Jess all gather together to recap their favorite NBC show for the last time this season! Spoilers past here!
– The episode began with us viewing whomever was to play Marilyn walking on stage. What an odd way to start off a TV show, Coty remarks!
– Sneaky Bastard (Ellis) is fired. ABOUT TIME!
– Coty brings up many awkward topics, including his crying eyebrows and transformer headset.
– Mitch rejoices that he was sort of right in that someone became pregnant from all of the unprotected sex they’re having on the show. Megan claims to have realized Julia was going to be preggers a while back, but never said so.
– Mitch and Coty discover together that ‘Smash’ is based on a book of the same title!
– The hosts are split as to whether Ivy or Karen would have made a better Marilyn.
– We actually liked Rebecca’s performance in the original ending of Bombshell better than Karen’s performance of the same scene.
– The final number of the season was a little bit cheesy, while Ivy looked upon a handful of pills, leaving us with a bittersweet taste in our mouths until ‘Smash’s’ next season!
– News covers little snippets of what we can expect in season 2 this winter, including the length (“16-18 episodes”) and the new show runner, ‘Gossip Girl’s’ Josh Safran.
– BONUS: Mitch sings a ‘Smash’ rendition of “Music of the Night” from The Phantom of the Opera.
– Thank you so much for sticking with Smash Chat for ‘Smash’s’ first season! Make sure to follow us on our Twitter account @Smash_Chat for updates as Season 2 develops, and when to expect new podcast episodes! Until then, see you in about a month!

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